
Alex Kent, professional photographer, skilled educator, and experienced public speaker has been involved in the photography industry in various ways since 2004 and been a full-time commercial photographer and educator since 2017.

My Mission

"I strive to create opportunities for people to experience more and live life to their fullest potential through creative education, events, and travel. Photography opened a channel into a powerful appreciation of the world around me, and I love sharing that gift"


One on ones, workshops, public speaking, group classes

2006-present, I've taught and guided thousands of students toward becoming more creative and competent photographers. From beginner photography classes to advanced level immersive workshops, I offer a variety of both virtual and in-person opportunities.

Learn more

“The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.”


Photo tours, camera clubs meet-ups, creative conferences

The photography and creative community is a diverse and energetic group with more commonalities than one might realize. These events are designed to be educational, connecting, and entertaining experiences. Check out what's coming up!...



nature • Travel • Structures • Lifestyle • Commercial

Let's see some photos!

Let's talk!